J and K Climate Change Scholarship



J and K Climate Change Scholarship is a $2,000 scholarship.  Half of the scholarship will be paid to Applicant’s institution to be used towards tuition and other school fees and expenses.  Half of the scholarship will be paid directly to Applicant for living expenses or whatever purpose Applicant desires.

More than one “Applicant” can receive the scholarship; the $2,000 will be divided equally into shares for the joint Applicants.  Each scholarship recipient must independently meet the eligibility requirements.  There is a place on the application to designate who the official “Applicants” are for the purpose of awarding the scholarship. 



Open to all college, graduate, and post-graduate students enrolled at least half-time in an accredited degree program in Oregon. This includes Oregon public community colleges and universities. It also includes private degree-granting institutions authorized by the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization. See https://www.oregon.gov/highered/institutions-programs/private/Pages/private-colleges-ODA-authorized.aspx. If Applicant’s institution is based outside Oregon, Applicant will need to provide proof that Applicant resides in Oregon. Have questions? Email us your questions at info@jandkscholarship.org.

Applicants must be age 18 or older on the date they sign the application.

Winners must arrange for their institution to submit proof of current enrollment of at least half-time.

Application Deadline:  July 15, 2024

How to Win:  Selection Process and Judging Criteria

Presentation content. Present either:

  1. A Big Activity.  Describe an action you took to help stop climate change. Examples: Stopped using your gas car, took part in an awareness protest, got your campus to install solar panels, helped Greta Thunberg, etc.


  • A Big Idea. Describe your idea and plan for how students can stop climate change. Examples: The plan for how students can change the law regarding carbon emissions, the plan for how students can sequester cow methane, the plan for how students can get Taylor Swift to give up her private jet trips. etc. Expanding on someone else’s idea is fine; just let us know where you got the idea and what improvements you’ve made to the idea.

Presentation format. Submit either:

  1. A video of 7 minutes or less in video format suitable for sharing on Youtube and other video platforms.


  • A written discussion of 1,000 to 2,000 words submitted in PDF format.

As donors of the funds for this scholarship, we enjoy the privilege of choosing the winner. We will choose a winner from all eligible submissions, whether in video or written format. (No, we won’t be awarding a scholarship in each format; just one overall winner.) We may seek additional information from applicants regarding their submission before making a final decision. We will select the winner after considering the benefit to the planet of the submission, the feasibility of any proposed plan, the overall presentation quality, and other factors.

Helpful hints: One judge has a legal background, so make sure your presentation is clear. The other judge is a theater impresario, so make sure your presentation is stylish.

Fine Print/Details

  1. The winner’s submission will be shared with the public in multiple ways, including posting on the internet. So don’t apply if you don’t want to show off.  If you want to maintain a nanosecond of privacy, you can use a pseudonym for public purposes.
  2. The winner will be notified by September 1, 2024. No notification will be provided to non-winning Applicants.
  3. Distribution to you and your school will occur September 15, 2024, for use in the 2024- 2025 academic year.


Do I have to be a U.S. Citizen?

No.  We accept great ideas whether you’re from Poland, Nigeria, Indiana, wherever.

If I win, you’re really going to pay half of the scholarship directly to me instead of to my school?

Yes.  We’ve been there.  We know you need it.

Are there any age restrictions? Yes. You need to be at least 18 on the day you sign your application.

My friend helped me with my submission.  Who gets the scholarship?

More than one “Applicant” can receive the scholarship; the money will be divided equally between the joint Applicants. For example, if two people are listed on the joint application, then each Applicant would receive $500 paid to their school and $500 paid to them individually. Each scholarship recipient must independently meet the eligibility requirements.  There is a place on the application to designate who the official “Applicants” are for the purpose of awarding the scholarship.  If five of your friends helped you, but you’re the only listed as “Applicant,” then the scholarship will just be distributed for you.

I’m just a regular person. Am I wasting my time by applying?

This is a new scholarship. There will probably be only a few applicants. The odds are in your favor. Also, we’re just regular people too, so you’ve got that implicit-bias thing in your favor.

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